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Wednesday, April 8, 2009


ATTENTION Motorists and Pedestrians !!!!!

Ok people, I mean REALLY!!!! Is the world in that much of a hurry, that we can't take 30 seconds to STOP, look left to right and make sure both cars have seen you, and are coming to a stop, before stepping out into a crosswalk??? (It is for your SAFETY, and lets face it, common sense) You are just as much responsible for being aware of your surroundings as the people behind the wheel of the car. If not more so because it is much easier for a person to stop their body in an instant, than it is for a car to go from 30-60km to a dead stop in an instant. (Let's be realistic here) Driver's don't always see you right away, so out of respect for yourself, the drivers and the road PAY ATTENTION !!!

Who cares what it is that keeps you occupied while you're on your venture, IPOD, Cell, blackberry, MP3 Player. Your eyes are not doing the talking or the listening. So they're free to do the LOOKING for ya. It is what they do best. Try stopping 5 feet from the crosswalk, and assessing the situation before you even get to the edge of the curb. Yes I know it is the "law"" that pedestrians do have the right of way, but we don't always have to take it. If you are getting ready to cross the street and there's only one car coming your way, let that car pass before you step out to the curb. People in vehicles let each other go out of turn all the time. Why can't we do the same once in a while?? What's the worst that could happen? You live to see another day, and maybe make someone smile, on account of your kind gesture. Think about it !!
Now onto the motorists !!! Put down the cell phone. (You should never be sending texts messages while driving, you know who you are ) Driving a car is just like driving any other heavy machine. You wouldn't want the pilot of your next flight to be sitting in the air text messaging his wife about what they're havin' for dinner, lol. Would ya?? I think not!
Another thing that makes me crazy, as a pedestrian, is that most motorists are in such a hurry that they can't wait until you're completely across the street before they continue along their way. THIS IS HOW PEOPLE DIE !!! When you are stopped, waiting for someone to cross, you can't always see the other side of the street. Sometimes people need to cross from both directions. There could be a child running your way, (just a bit ahead of their parents) that thinks it's safe to cross because the cars are stopped. That would be a hard thing to have to deal with. All because you couldn't wait one full minute. It is the law, and your responsibility as a motorist to make sure that crosswalk is clear before you continue!! And if you don't be prepared.

My friends and I carry small pebbles in the cup holders of our kids strollers, to throw if your not paying attention and blow through the crosswalk while we're still in it. I've also kicked a few front ends. Please have a little consideration that we have no choice but to walk with our children's strollers in front of us, which means that the are in the crosswalk first !!! We walk a lot, and are very courteous and cautious pedestrians, and I've come close to getting hit at least 5 times in the last week. With and without my son.

I am not an angry person by any means, but I do feel very strongly on a few issues. Impatient motorists is one of my biggest frustrations. Too many people die in crosswalks on account of people just not paying attention. Both parties included. So please, just stop and look !!! Ya don't always have to be in a rush, life passes by too fast as it is !!!!
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