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Monday, May 11, 2009

Belated Mother's Day to All you Super Mom's!!

Hello Super Mom's,
Masters of the Art of Multitasking!! I just wanted to say a few words to ALL of you!!

Being a Mom is the most rewarding job in the world, but it is also the most thank less job in the world. hahaha!! But when you take a minute and watch your child playing, catching that sparkle in their eye!! It is THE best feeling in the world!!
Some days are also going to be better than other's!! There is no joy in the world better then the joy & laughter of your children!! They love you unconditionally, and give you an unlimited supply of giggles, smiles, hugs and kisses!! Nothing is better than that!!

Now mom's I know it can be tough but you have to keep it together, at least in front of your children!! They are little sponges. They see and store EVERYTHING we do and say.(to be used at a later date,lol) Remember, it is up to you to teach them values, respect, empathy, consideration, and so much more!! The more you teach ladies, the more they will learn!! I have had to change the infamous "F' word to Fabulous in my house, because even when my son was in another room and I mumbled it under my breath, he came right around the corner saying it. I wanted to die. Hahaha!!! If you live in a calm, clean, environment, there is a much smaller chance of your child becoming a loud & rowdy child!! Take it from me, I have tested and observed this theory many times in my 12+ years working with the little darlings!!!
Anyway sorry about the random rant!! Hahaha!!

I hope you all had a Fantastic Fun Filled Mother's Day!! I hope your beautiful families spoiled you rotten, as you deserved to be on your special day!!! And well any other day for that matter!!

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